Complaining has never been easier ...

Introducing on iPhone.

Thanks to the iPhone's superb web browsing capability, now you can complain about bad service anytime, anywhere.

Step 1) Visit

Step 2) Submit your bad service story (on the spot !)

Step 3) Your story is now posted in the Blog

Use your iPod to study and learn better ...

I just found out that Apple launched the iTune U in their iTune Store last year, which offers free educational materials from colleges and universities, so that users can easily search, download, and play course content just like they do music, movies, and TV shows. I haven't been keeping up with the latest technology .. sigh ....

iTunes U makes it easy for anyone to access amazing educational material from many of the most respected colleges and universities. Stanford, Harvard, Yale, MIT, you name it ... Simply download the contents and transform your iPod to a learning device, learning on the go has never been easier.

Warning: However, there will always be some lectures by boring professors that will put you in sleep in less than 5 minutes.

Sometime it's the most challenging problem that has the simplest solution ...

Here's another great example of how challenging problem is solved by the simplest solution. Go watch how PlayPump Internationals help solving the problem of limited access to clean drinking water across Africa ! Simply clever !!

7 Reasons No one likes your ideas

Ever got a brilliant idea in a meeting but no one seems to "get" it ?

Go ahead and read Dustin's article, it provides some good tips on what to avoid and how to increase your chance in selling your idea.